About Regal Cards

Regal Cards offer an unparalleled movie experience for avid film enthusiasts. Whether you're searching for the ideal gift or a treat for yourself, Regal Cards provide an array of benefits that make them the perfect choice.

  • Endless Movie Choices: With a Regal Card in hand, recipients have the freedom to watch any movie of their choice at any Regal theater across the United States. From the latest blockbusters to indie gems, every cinematic desire can be fulfilled.
  • Indulge in Refreshments: Regal Cards aren't limited to just movie tickets. They can also be used at Regal Cinemas concession stands, allowing recipients to savor their favorite snacks and beverages while enjoying the film. Popcorn, soda, candy, and more – the options are endless.
  • Versatile Denominations: Regal Cards are available in various denominations, starting as low as $10. This versatility ensures that there's a gift card to suit every budget, making it convenient for both generous gift-givers and those looking for a personal treat.
  • Convenient Purchase Options: Obtaining a Regal Card is hassle-free. You can easily purchase them online, offering the convenience of browsing and selecting the perfect design from the comfort of your own home. Additionally, Regal Cards are available for purchase at your local Regal theater or at participating retailers, making them accessible to all.
  • Experiences Beyond the Theater: Regal Cards unlock more than just movie screenings. They open the door to a world of entertainment, from special events and advanced screenings to exclusive promotions and discounts. With a Regal Card, recipients gain access to a wide range of exciting experiences beyond the standard cinema visit.

Regal Gift Cards are the ultimate gift for movie enthusiasts, offering a seamless and memorable cinematic experience. Whether it's for a birthday, holiday, or any special occasion, give the gift of movies with Regal Cards and let the recipients embark on a journey of unparalleled entertainment.