Mobile Legends UAE/Turkey 2975 Diamonds

Mobile Legends UAE/Turkey 2975 Diamonds

Mobile Legends UAE/Turkey 2975 Diamonds

$ 49.99

About Mobile Legends UAE/Turkey 2975 Diamonds Gift Card

Looking for a fast and easy way to recharge your Mobile Legends gaming account in the United Arab Emirates or Turkey? Look no further than Mobile Legends UAE/Turkey 2975 Diamonds, the leading digital marketplace in the Arabic World. We offer a wide variety of e-gift cards and vouchers for Mobile Legends UAE/Turkey that can be redeemed on the respective online stores for a set amount of funds. With Mobile Legends UAE/Turkey e-gift cards and vouchers, you can enhance your gaming experience by purchasing games, DLC, and other digital content. Whether you're a seasoned gamer or just starting out, Ar-Pay has everything you need to take your Mobile Legends gaming to the next level.

How to redeem 

  1. Log onto the website of MLBB: https://m.mobilelegends.com/en/
  2. Find the ‘Redeem’ button on the right corner and click it.
  3. Enter your Game ID and click ‘Send’ button. Then you will receive a verification code in your in game mailbox.
  4. Enter the code you receive from the in game mailbox.
  5. Finally, enter the 17- digits redemption code and click ‘Redeem’. The item will automatically be sent into your in game mailbox.