Xbox exclusive “The Ascent” comes with the highest graphics

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Xbox exclusive “The Ascent” comes with the highest graphics
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The upcoming RPG game exclusively on Xbox for the new generation “The Ascent” is one of the biggest projects expected in the coming period, and it is developed by Neon Giant.

Where the game came to provide a high and distinctive graphics level, whether in terms of technical designs.

Accuracy and level of detail in the virtual game world, or with regard to the lighting system.

To be the game The Ascent according to unique statements developed,

Specifically to take full advantage of all the advantages of the Xbox Series and the Unreal 4 engine.

The founder and co-developer of the upcoming Xbox game “Tor Frick” spoke about the graphic level in the game The Ascent.

Explaining that the game’s developer team worked to raise the quality of The Ascent’s graphics until it reached the highest possible level.

Explaining that the Unreal 4 engine helped developers of The game maintains the highest graphics level possible on the new generation Xbox consoles.

Tor Frick added that the game developers focused their efforts on the process of lighting and dynamic shading.

Along with the visual effects and motion physics that made the game world full of fine details.

In addition to satisfactorily improving players’ reactions and behaviors.

He also stressed that the process of exploding things in the virtual game world appears in the best condition.

And that the pace of the game is fast, and operates at a high frame rate.

And that the response time in the game is at its lowest levels, with high display quality.

Tor Frick also continued his talk about the performance of the game on the Xbox.

Adding that the performance of the new generation Xbox device made us able to present the game The Ascent with this excellent graphic level and high speed in response time.

And the Unreal 4 engine helped provide the best possible performance for the game The Ascent from the Xbox One to the Xbox Series X.

It should be noted that the game The Ascent will be officially and exclusively released on the Xbox One, Xbox Series and PC on July 29, 2021.

The Ascent

About the upcoming Xbox exclusive The Ascent

To start with, the upcoming Xbox exclusive The Ascent was revealed for the first time last July of 2020.

By presenting a short trailer that revealed the game’s support for high-resolution and greatly improved graphics up to 4K.

As well as the game’s support for a 60-frame display resolution. per second. Plus fewer loading screens.

The game was announced for free as soon as it was released to Xbox Game Pass subscribers.

The Ascent game is one of the most important titles expected during the current year 2021.

And it is developed by Neon Giant studio and published by Curve Digital.

And the game comes within the RPG games and action in the world of cyber science fiction.

Which the player can experience jointly with 3 of his friends through the multiplayer mode.

Which allows the player to experience the game within a team consisting of 4 players, and the game also includes a single-player game.

The story of The Ascent revolves around a group of people called The Ascent, and the protagonist of the game comes among them.

Surprised that one day his group closes its doors, providing an opportunity for other hostile groups to take over the city.

Note that the virtual game world simulates the future in a big way.

As the story takes place in a futuristic atmosphere in the middle of a city full of many strange and varied creatures and creatures.

One of the most important features of The Ascent game on Xbox is that the game features classic RPG mechanics that make the player able to build his character.

It also gives the player a dual aim mechanism by taking advantage of the full screen and choosing between many targets anywhere in the game world.

Finally, The Ascent gives the player the opportunity to live a unique narrative adventure that can be played in co-op or single-player modes.

So if you are looking forward to the release of the game on Xbox we recommend you to use prepaid Xbox cards from ar-pay.

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