The Ultimate Guide To Using Gift Cards & Save Money This Eid

The Ultimate Guide To Using Gift Cards & Save Money This Eid
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Eid al-Fitr marks a time of joy and celebration, where the spirit of generosity fills the air.

In this encouraging season, the tradition of gift-giving is reimagined through the convenience and flexibility of gift cards.

This article is your comprehensive resource for navigating the world of gift cards with ease and savvy.

We’ll explore the nuances of selecting the right card for every individual, tips for combining gift cards with promotions to extend their value, and strategies to ensure that your Eid gifts are not just heartfelt, but also financially smart.

Whether you’re a seasoned gift card giver or new to the concept, this guide will empower you to make the most of your festive budget, ensuring that the gifts you give bring joy without breaking the bank.

Embrace the modern approach to Eid gifting and let the savings unfold.

How To Use Gift Cards During Eid Sales?

Using gift cards during Eid sales can be a smart way to shop efficiently and save money.

Here are some tips on how to make the most of your gift card during this festive season:

  • Plan Ahead: Before the sales begin, make a list of items you wish to purchase and decide which stores or online platforms you’ll be shopping from. This will help you determine which gift cards to buy.
  • Buy Discounted Gift Cards: Look for promotions where you can purchase gift cards at a lower price than their face value. This can be an immediate saving.
  • Combine Deals: Use your gift card in conjunction with Eid sales to maximize savings. Since many retailers offer special discounts during Eid, you can use your gift card to pay for discounted items, stretching its value further.
  • Gift Card Bonuses: Some retailers offer bonuses for buying gift cards during the holiday season. For example, you might receive a $10 bonus card with the purchase of a $50 gift card.
  • Check the Terms: Be aware of any terms and conditions associated with the gift cards, such as expiration dates or exclusions.
  • Eidia Gift Cards: Consider giving gift cards as Eidia to friends and family. It’s a practical gift that allows them to choose what they really want.
  • Sell or Exchange Unwanted Gift Cards: If you receive a gift card that you don’t plan to use, sell it online or exchange it for a card from a store you prefer.
  • Track Your Spending: Keep track of your gift card balances and transactions. This will help you manage your budget and ensure you’re using the full value of the card.

By following these strategies, you can enjoy the festivities of Eid while being a savvy shopper.

Top Stores To Use Gift Cards For Eid Shopping:

For Eid shopping with gift cards, consider these stores known for their festive offerings:


Amazon is a vast online marketplace where you can find a wide array of products such as electronics, books, clothing, and much more.

It’s known for its convenience, offering features like Prime for fast shipping, and a platform for third-party sellers to offer their goods.


Noon is an online shopping platform similar to Amazon, but it primarily operates in the Middle East, particularly in the UAE and Saudi Arabia.

It offers a wide range of products, including electronics, fashion, beauty items, homeware, and more.

Noon aims to provide a superior shopping experience with features like flexible payment plans, regular sales, and an easy-to-use shopping app.


primarily known for video game distribution, offering a vast library of games ranging from indie titles to major AAA releases.

Users can purchase, download, play, and discuss games.

Steam also provides community features such as friends lists, groups, cloud saving, and in-game voice and chat functionality.

Additionally, it offers tools for game developers and publishers through Steamworks.

Advantages Of Using Gift Cards:

Gift cards offer several advantages for both the giver and the recipient:

Convenience: They are an easy and convenient way to give a gift, especially when you’re unsure of what the recipient might like.

Choice: Recipients have the freedom to choose their gifts, ensuring they get something they want or need.

Budgeting: Gift cards can help with budgeting, both for the giver and the recipient, as they come in various denominations.

Accessibility: They can be used in stores or online, and digital gift cards can be added to mobile wallets for ease of use.

No Unwanted Gifts: Reduces the likelihood of unwanted gifts, which saves time and effort for both the giver and the recipient.


Gift Cards serve as an ideal present for Eid, encapsulating the spirit of generosity and joy that characterizes the holiday.

They offer a thoughtful way to honor the tradition of giving while providing recipients with the flexibility to choose gifts that reflect their personal tastes and needs.

As we celebrate the end of Ramadan and the festive day of Eid, gift card stand out as a convenient, versatile, and appreciated token of affection that respects the recipient’s preferences and contributes to the festive atmosphere of the occasion.

Whether used to purchase festive attire, indulge in a celebratory meal, or acquire something long-desired, gift cards are a modern complement to Eid’s timeless values of gratitude, kindness, and community.


What types of gift cards are appropriate for Eid?

Gift cards for food, drinks, clothing, and general merchandise are often appreciated. Ensure any food-related gift card is for halal options.

Is it customary to give gift cards for Eid?

While traditional gifts are common, a gift card can be a practical and appreciated alternative, especially for those who may be difficult to shop for.

How much should I load onto a gift card for Eid?

The amount can vary based on your budget and relationship with the recipient. It’s the thought that counts, so choose an amount that feels generous but within your means.

Are there any considerations when choosing a gift card for someone who observes Eid?

Be mindful of the recipient’s preferences and lifestyle. For example, avoid gift cards for alcohol or non-halal food establishments. Opt for retailers that align with the recipient’s values and needs.

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