League of Legends 2024: New Season Called “Still Here”

League of Legends 2024: New Season Called “Still Here”
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League of Legends (LoL) is a highly popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game developed and published by Riot Games.

Released in 2009, it’s inspired by the custom map Defense of the Ancients for Warcraft III.

The game operates on a freemium model, where it’s free to play, but players have the option to purchase character customizations.

In League of Legends, players are divided into two teams of five, each controlling a unique character known as a “champion” with distinct abilities.

The objective is to work together to destroy the opposing team’s “Nexus”, a structure located within their base.

Players can earn experience points, gold, and purchase items to strengthen their champions during the match.

The game is renowned for its accessibility, character designs, and production value.

New Season of League of Legends Called “Still Here”

The League of Legends Season 2024, titled “Still Here”, presents a cinematic experience that intertwines the game’s lore with its community’s spirit.

It traverses through the present, past, and potential futures of these characters, symbolizing the game’s journey and the players’ experiences over the years.

“Still Here” is not just a celebration of the game’s past achievements but also a forward-looking promise of new content, including item changes, a Summoner’s Rift overhaul, and the introduction of a new champion, among other quality-of-life improvements.

It’s a call to the players to continue their journey in League of Legends, fighting for tomorrow with the same passion that has fueled the game since its inception.

Enjoy New Season With League of Legends Gift Cards

To enjoy the new season of League of Legends with League of Legends Gift Cards, you can follow these steps:

  • Purchase a Gift Card: You can buy League of Legends gift cards from various retailers or online. Such as ARPay store.
  • Redeem the Card: Log into your League of Legends account, go to the Store, and select Purchase RP. Choose Prepaid Cards as the payment method and enter the code from your gift card.
  • Enjoy New Content: With the RP (Riot Points) added to your account, you can purchase new champions, skins, and other in-game items that can enhance your gaming experience for the new season titled “Still Here”.

Remember, gift cards are region-locked, so make sure to purchase one that is valid for your server. Enjoy the new season!


Using Legends Gift Cards is a convenient and secure way to enhance your experience in the new season of League of Legends.

These cards allow you to quickly add Riot’s in-game currency to your account, which you can spend on new Champions, skins, emotes, and more.

They are available in various denominations and can be purchased both online and from local retailers.

With the new season bringing fresh content and updates, having a prepaid gift card on hand ensures you can dive into all the action without any payment hassles.


What is League of Legends?

League of Legends (LoL) is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game where players control characters known as champions to compete against each other in strategic matches.

How do you win a game in League of Legends?

The primary objective is to destroy the enemy team’s Nexus, which requires teamwork, strategy, and skillful play.

Players must navigate through lanes and jungle areas, defeating enemy champions and minions to gain strength and push toward the enemy base.

What are the roles in League of Legends?

There are five main roles: Top, Jungle, Mid, ADC (Attack Damage Carry), and Support.

Each role has specific duties and typically occupies a certain lane or area of the map.

Can I play League of Legends on any operating system?

LoL supports various operating systems, but Riot Games has announced that starting with patch 14.4 on February 22, 2024, they will discontinue support for Windows 7, 8, and 8.1.

How does champion selection work?

Before a match begins, players select champions during the champ selection phase.

Teams take turns picking from over 140 champions, each with unique abilities and playstyles.

Strategic selection is crucial to form a balanced team composition.

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