The best games coming to PlayStation 5 in September 2021

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The best games coming to PlayStation 5 in September 2021
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The list of PlayStation 5 games certainly contains an impressive variety of new games, including exclusive games for the PlayStation 5 platform, all of which have not yet been scheduled for release, and upgrades for enhanced game titles.

However, there are many great titles to be released over the coming months and years.

And as we are always used to providing the best new games that will be released every month and when they will be released.

In this article we will focus on the best games that will be released on the PlayStation 5 platform during the month of October.

So that you are ready to get the latest titles and enjoy downloading a list of games filled with inspiring stories And fun.

The best games coming to PlayStation 5

1- Life is Strange: True Colors

Game Take off with the heroine of Life is Strange: True Colors, Alex Chen, on her journey that will reunite her with her sister after an 8-year separation.

Where the game is filled with many painful experiences that ended with the murder of her sister in a mysterious accident.

Which made her use her psychological ability to empathize to control the feelings of the residents of her city to try to reach the truth and find out the reason behind her sister’s death.

We note that the game Life is Strange: True Colors will be launched on the PlayStation 5 store on September 10, 2021, and it is developed by Deck Nine studio and published by Square Enix.

2- Lost in Random game

Many players are waiting for the release date of the game Lost in Random, as EA is famous for providing huge titles and promising games, and the game is considered one of the most important upcoming titles that takes place in the Kingdom of Random.

And the player controls the heroine character “Evin” who seeks To save her sister after she was kidnapped by the Queen.

The game will be released on September 10, 2021 by EA.

PlayStation 5

3- NBA 2K22

Fans of the famous NBA basketball game are waiting for the release of the next version of the NBA 2K22 series, which is one of the best upcoming titles that includes many improvements at all levels.

By providing improved graphics to the maximum or improving artificial intelligence.

In addition to the usual seasonal improvements that the game offers.

We recall that the game will be released on September 10 2021 onshop PlayStation 5.

4- game Deathloop

We have a look at style and how to play in the next PlayStation 5 game  “Deathloop” during your game trailer, and seems that game is providing some of the assassinations carried Within a time loop that repeats constantly.

And it consists of 8 objectives that the player needs to complete in order to be able to pass the time loop.

We mention that Deathloop is developed by Arkane Lyon and published by Bethesda, and the game is now available in beta version on the PlayStation 5 store and will be officially launched on September 14, 2021.

5- Tales of Arise

The next part of the game Tales is one of the best awaited games after a long absence. 25 years after the previous version of the game, which was released in 1995.

The game has been developed to become a qualitative leap for this series at all levels, by working on improving the story and playing style and even providing high-quality graphics by entering the adventure of saving the world.

We recall that we are on a date with the launch of the new part, Tales of Arise, on September 10 of this year, 2021.

PlayStation 5

6- Kena: Bridge of Spirits Game

The brothers Josh and Mike presented their game Kena: Bridge of Spirits during the Sony show, which looked quite charming.

Presenting a beautiful world of beautiful mysterious creatures and beings called Roots, these creatures act as soulmates.

The game aroused the interest of many through its trailer, and the game was described as an action-adventure game whose story revolves around a magical world full of discoveries and battles with monsters, in an attempt to achieve the desired peace in the world of spirits.

We note that Kena: Bridge of Spirits is one of the best upcoming PlayStation 5 games, developed and published by Ember Lab, and will come on September 23 of this year 2021.

7- Diablo II: Resurrected We

anticipate the return of the classic role-playing game Diablo this September to bring us the second part of the series entitled Diablo II: Resurrected, which is a remaster of the second part that was released in 2000, and this version will come with more improvements and additions, Among them is to offer high-quality graphics in 4K resolution, yet the game retains the same gameplay of its own.

We are reminded that the game will be officially released on September 23, 2021.

8- Death’s Stranding Director’s Cut

Death’s Stranding Director’s Cut is the latest title to come from developer Kojima Productions, and as the new title explains, the game will introduce new content to the original version of the game that was released on PlayStation 4.

In addition to offering improved high-quality graphics and enhanced gaming features on all fronts.

The new title of the game also includes a new variety of weapons, equipment, and cars in addition to more gameplay modes, side missions, and game environments that the player always wants to explore.

We are reminded that the game will be released on September 24 of this year 2021 by Sony Corporation.

9- Lost Judgment

After the great success of the Yakuza series of games, Sega introduced the Judgment game as one of the side titles of action games that were released for the first time in 2018, and after it got the attention of many players the company decided to launch the second part during the month The current title is Lost Judgment, in which we are waiting for a new story full of investigations and mystery in the neighborhoods of Japan, according to what was reported from the developers of the game.

We note that the game will be officially released on September 24, 2021.

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In conclusion, you will have a list of the best new titles that will be released during the month of September 2021 on the PlayStation 5 platform.

We are on a date with the release of a large number of new titles during the current month, as we are at the beginning of the Season of foreign holidays.

Therefore, the month of September is full of various and different games, especially for the new generation devices.

And if you want to get one of the above-mentioned titles, you can recharge your PlayStation 5 balance using PlayStation 5 cards from ar-pay.

Finally, let us know which of these titles are you excited to buy?

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